Fantastic ECGs and How to Read Them
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ECGs: snapshot of the heart or meaningless and squiggly kerfaffle?!
ECGs are incredibly useful and cheap diagnostic tool in an ED: everyone gets one! But reading one is very technical and a source of fear in medical students (regardless of which year.) Join us as we hope to debunk a few myths and run through the basic steps of how to read one
DISCLAIMER: I am teaching this from the perspective and understanding of a 3rd year medical student, not a cardiology registrar or consultant!
By the end students should…
1) Recap on basic, clinically relevant cardiac anatomy (chambers, coronary vasculature, conduction system)
2) Understand the basics of cardiac electrophysiology
3) Interpret ECGs in a fixed, logical manner
4) Understand some basic abnormal ECGs and be able to link pathophysiology to it.