Pulmonary Physiology & Pathology + Space & Deep sea Respiratory Physiology
Join the amazing Mustafa for another great webinar – this time all about exciting space and deep sea stuff!
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With medical school slowly creeping in, most of us realize we have forgotten what we have learned. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with a bit of pre-med school refresher.
I will try and cover the basics of respiratory physiology and pathology. If you are entering your clinical years, this will come in very handy for all the questions you’ll face on ward rounds. After all, who doesn’t like a medical student with good understanding of the basic sciences?
As a bonus, I’ll try to cover some information about altitude and deep sea respiratory physiology. Make sure to join in!!
Learning Objectives/Outcomes:
– Anatomy of the pulmonary tract.
– Physiology of the different sources of pressure in the lungs.
– Respiration and gas exchange.
– Principles of pulmonary pathology.
– Aviation and deep sea pulmonary physiology.
Slides! To download, please click the Download symbol on the panel on the flip book.